Rock ‘n’ Tots bring structured musical sessions that provide fun, learning and the opportunity to bond for both parents/carers and child through the power of rock and roll!

The benefits of music can be experienced in many forms: from the obvious excitement at the sounds being produced through music & instruments to the long-term gain of body and mind working together; stimulating thinking and expressive skills whilst enhancing creativity!

Come along and let your mini rockstar drum (and strum and rattle and shake and clap and bang!) to their own beat… encouraging socialization and building self-esteem when your baby/child hears what sounds they can create and how that makes others react!

Getting musical with little ones boosts a child’s physical development too! Dancing is a form of active play that strengthens your child’s growing arm, leg and trunk muscles! Instruments and finger-plays also promote fine motor development, prepping your child’s fingers and hands for activities like writing and drawing.

Songs have the power to lift a baby or toddler’s spirits or calm and soothe them — which can set the stage for self-regulation and music that focuses on feelings help toddlers make sense of their own emotions too.

Singing songs also enables children to make up their own songs. They learn to laugh, repeat words and it encourages them to use these words and memorize them, helping the development of their speech and language skills.


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